Signs You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal

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Many people are unsure when they should consider wisdom teeth removal. In this blog, we aim to address this uncertainty by providing essential information on the topic. In this blog, we’ll discuss how a wisdom tooth lacking an opposing tooth can lead to abnormal growth and discomfort. We’ll also explore the cleaning challenges and heightened risk of tooth decay posed by these teeth. Understanding these issues is crucial in determining when to seek dental advice for wisdom tooth removal.

Symptoms that may Indicate you need your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the final set of four molar teeth that emerge during late adolescence or early adulthood (though its not uncommon for them to appear well into adulthood). Our jaws and dietary habits have evolved over time, leading to a common problem.

Many adults now lack sufficient space at the back of their mouths for new teeth, particularly wisdom teeth. Consequently, when there isn’t enough room, these wisdom teeth may struggle to emerge fully through the gums. Alternatively, they can remain trapped beneath the gum and bone. This partial emergence or entrapment leaves them vulnerable to infection. For example, food particles, seeds, and corn husks can easily become trapped in the small spaces between the gum and tooth. These trapped objects significantly increase the risk of infection.

Teeth that don’t move into the correct position are known as “impacted” teeth. This often occurs due to a lack of space or because they become wedged at an angle. Depending on their location, impacted wisdom teeth can vary in appearance. Some might be completely hidden within the gum. Others might partially break through, showing only a small section in the mouth. Additionally, in certain cases, these teeth can remain deeply embedded within the jaw bone.

Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to a range of complications:

Gum Infections

When a wisdom tooth remains partially emerged, it creates a gateway for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause an infection, leading to pain, swelling, and gum tenderness.

Pressure and Damage to Adjacent Teeth

An impacted wisdom tooth can exert pressure on the second molar, often leading to complications. This pressure can cause damage or tooth decay in both teeth, especially because the tight spaces are hard to clean. Consequently, tooth decay often occurs under the gum line. As a result, it can only be detected through x-rays. Therefore, it often goes undiagnosed until the tooth suffers severe damage. Ultimately, this extensive damage can render the tooth unsavable, leading to tooth loss.

Cyst Formation

In rare instances, an impacted wisdom tooth can cause a cyst to form, which is a sac filled with fluid. If untreated, this cyst can become quite destructive, potentially damaging the jaw, surrounding teeth, and tissues. Moreover, in extremely rare cases, a benign tumour might develop. This situation would require extensive surgical intervention. Unfortunately, these surgeries often result in poor outcomes, affecting aesthetics, facial growth, and development.

Weakening of the Jaw

Pressure from an impacted wisdom tooth can lead to cyst formation, which may thin out the jaw bone surrounding the tooth. Consequently, this weakened area is more susceptible to fracturing. External forces, such as impacts during sports or while eating hard foods, can easily cause these fractures.

Tooth decay

Tooth decay can occur around wisdom teeth due to insufficient space for effective cleaning. When a toothbrush or floss can’t reach these tight spaces around wisdom teeth, plaque and bacteria build up. This accumulation leads to decay.

Over-eruption of wisdom teeth

When a tooth lacks a matching counterpart for chewing, it may grow out of the jaw. This happens as it seeks a surface to grind food against. As a result, the tooth may cause trauma to soft tissues like the cheek or gums. This trauma can lead to aches and pain, often arising from muscle injury.

Wisdom Teeth Removal: A Crucial Step to Prevent Complications and Ensure Oral Health

In this blog, we address various wisdom teeth issues. Understanding these situations helps you decide when to seek dental advice for wisdom tooth removal. If you suspect your wisdom teeth are impacted or causing discomfort, it’s important to take action. Consult with a dental professional. They can assess your situation accurately. Often, the solution involves removing the problematic wisdom teeth. This is to avoid more severe complications. Additionally, it helps in maintaining the overall health of your mouth.

Your guide to Post Wisdom Teeth Removal Care

Best Foods for Fast Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Surgery

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