Food choices can affect your dental health As emergency dentists, we often see cases that result from  unhealthy eating patterns. According to research compiled by the World Health Organisation, the overwhelming majority of studies into dental health have found a positive correlation between tooth decay and sugar intake across all age groups. So if you

How to Brush With Braces

Ensuring Healthy Teeth and Gums with Braces People often visit us for cosmetic dentistry, like braces. Consequently, they regularly inquire about maintaining oral health during treatment. Importantly, asking these questions is wise. Braces have brackets and wires. Consequently, these structures trap food and plaque. However, there’s no need to worry. With diligent care and our

The first question we get asked whenever we diagnose a dental decay in someone is “Am I not cleaning my teeth properly?” or “what is the proper way to brush teeth?” Occasionally, we even get asked if there is any “magic bullet” solution to dental decay. Unfortunately, there isn’t a magic bullet, but keeping your

Top Tips for Your Child’s Successful First Dental Visit In our first post about your child’s first dental visit, we talked about the right time to take your little one to the dentist for the first time. Today, we give our top tips to prepare this first visit at home and make sure it’s a

Choosing the Right Toothpaste: A Family Dentist’s Advice As a family dentist who sees lots of families and kids, one of the most common questions we get asked on a daily basis is “Which is the best toothpaste for me and my family?” Most of the time, our patient will refer to a recent advertisement